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Discover NeuroGraphica – Mini Course
On Demand
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Free online NeuroGraphica® course
I am really excited to share some of the secrets of this innovative visual transformation method with you.
NeuroGraphica has become an important part of my life and has created great results for me and – what’s even more important – for my clients.
In this free course you will discover:
- Why NeuroGraphica has become my favorite coaching tool
- What is NeuroGraphica, where does it come from, where it is used
- How NeuroGraphica works and how easy it is to use
- What impact NeuroGraphica can have on your – and your clients’ life
We will look into some theoretical background, and more importantly, YOU will experience NeuroGraphica first hand by creating your own NeuroGraphica drawings.
In four sessions, you will get a sneak peak into the power of NeuroGraphica:
1. Theory and Practice
- Theoretical background of NeuroGraphica as well as the possible application in coaching and therapy
- Self-discovery drawing.
2. NeuroGraphica applied: Time Management
- Active group coaching session and Q&A – Draw your first NeuroGraphica
3. NeuroGraphica applied: Work-Life-Balance
- Individual coaching session and Q&A – Watch me coaching a client using NeuroGraphica (and you can draw along and leverage the model for yourself)
4. NeuroGraphica applied: Inner Balance
- Group coaching session and Q&A – Experience how NeuroGraphica can change your thinking and inner state
This course has been recoreded and is available to you immediately upon registration.
This course invites you to actively participate. Please be ready to join in and draw with us.
- Drawing pad A3
- 2-3 sheets of A4 paper (copy paper or drawing pad)
- Black felt-tip pens in different widths (fineliner, 1 mm, broad Eddings)
- Colored Pencils (and sharpener)
- Highlighters
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