About Christine

Advance your leadership journey with coaching from a Former S&P 500 VP. With extensive experience in high-stakes corporate environments, I help directors navigate their leadership challenges and achieve sustainable success.

My Philosophy

My fundamental goal as a leadership coach is to make people successful and to do so in a way that makes them feel good. Very often, this is achieved simply by looking at things from a different perspective and seeing them in a larger context. Through this process, my clients recognize new paths as well as additional options and solutions that lead them to their goal. Often, this journey begins with realizing what “being successful” means to you personally.

The focus of these activities is never on me, but rather wholeheartedly on you. Entrust me with your questions and I’ll solve them together with you.

My Journey


Vice President at Gartner

My time in strategic management in an American company (1999-2018) gave me deep insights into how successful corporate management is performed. I learned how to reach decisions based on data, facts, and interviews and how to implement these decisions quickly. Additionally, I learned how to ensure that, once a measure has been introduced, that it is constantly adapted and optimized. Another decisive factor I learned is how these findings can be communicated effectively and how I can work well with colleagues from other departments. Ultimately our customers benefited from the decisions I made and implemented. Underpinning this entire process is the art of how to receive relevant customer feedback in order to tailor or develop existing and new products fitting customer needs. These skills are not only important to large companies but are also crucial for independent lecturers, coaches, and trainers to know.

Natural Health Professional

Alongside my full-time job, I completed my training and examination as a state-certified natural health practitioner in 2007. With therapy training in psychokinesis, homeopathy according to Dr. Zeeden, as well as various energy healing methods, I have gained great insights into the interaction of body, mind and soul. Due to these experiences, I am able to examine the health aspects of my clients within the bigger context of their professional and personal challenges, if necessary.

In Search of More Effective Methods: NeuroGraphica® Trainer and Supervisor

In 2017 I got to know the newly developed and highly effective creative transformation method “Neurographica” and I loved it. In 2013, its founder, the Russian psychologist, architect, business coach, author Pavel Piskarov, developed NeuroGraphica from a scientific basis and spread his findings. Neurographica is still very new in the German-speaking world—that is why I am even more pleased to be one of the first German-speaking Neurographica specialists and trainers to contribute to implementing this method, which is already widely used in Russia, in our language and countries.

Trust Technique

My mare Chio has been at my side for 21 years. For me, she always has been my best friend. For a long time I had thought that I would be the same to her—her best friend. However, from today’s point of view, I know that I was far from it, even though I always only wanted what was best for her. Thanks to Trust Technique®, I can say today that I have earned Chio’s trust with the help of the principle of creative reaction and other careful handling techniques I learned from James French and Shelley Slingo. Now, as a Trust Technique® Practitioner, I can pass on my insights to other pet and animal people such as yourself.

Executive Leadership Coach

From my point of view, coaching enables my clients to examine their own thought patterns and look at their problems from a new perspective. Doing so enables them to identify previously unnoticed or unexpected solutions that significantly advance their lives. As a holistic coach, I am specially equipped to see you as a complete individual. In this way we can holistically examine diverse aspects and together we can find a way that will advance your professional and/or private life considerably.

"Only someone who takes a new path can reach a new goal."
- Christine Schickinger

Training & Education

  • 2021 Estetic Coach; Institute for Psychology of Creativitiy
  • 2021 NeuroGraphica® Specialist Instructor; Institute for Psychology of Creativitiy
  • 2021 BoGoban Specialist; NeuroDesign; Institute for Psychology of Creativitiy
  • 2020 Changing Mind Academy and Business Mentorship; Owen Fitzpatrick
  • 2019 NeuroGraphica® Supervisor; Institute for Psychology of Creativitiy
  • 2019 Trust Technique® Practitioner for Domestic Animals; Trust Technique Centre
  • 2019 NeuroGraphica® Instructor; Institute for Psychology of Creativitiy
  • 2019 Trust Technique® Practitioner for Large Animals; Trust Technique Centre
  • 2019 Certified Online Coach; CoachHub
  • 2019 Holistic Coach 2nd grade
  • 2018 Certified Holistic Coach; CoachingUp!
  • 2017 NeuroGraphica® Specialist
  • 2017 and 2016 Business Mastery – Motivation, Storytelling, and Influence; Owen Fitzpatrick
  • 2015 Charisma Training; Owen Fitzpatrick
  • since 2014 Horsemanship Training; Walter Weber-Mayr
  • 2013 Face Communication; mutario
  • 2012 NLP Practitioner and Master; Fresh Academy
  • 2011 Kinesiotaping Basics; Dr. Dieter Sielmann
  • 2010 Homeopathy Further Education; Dr. Heinrich Zeeden
  • 2008 Basics of Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • 2007 – 2008 Basic Education in Homeopathy; Dr. Heinrich Zeeden
  • 2007 – 2008 Matrix Rhythmus Therapy; Dr. Ulrich Randoll (marhythe)
  • 2007 EMDR Basics; Dr. Heinrich Zeeden
  • 2007 State Naturopath Examination
  • 2006 Reiki 2. Grade; Jasmin Wolff
  • 2006 Acid-Base-Forum Participation
  • 2005 Psycho-Kinesiology; Jasmin Wolff
  • 2004 – 2014 various Natural Horsemanship Clinics
  • 1992 Diplom-Kaufmann (MSc of BA); Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich

What My Clients Are Saying